and Lunar demons of the Nasirbal and Golosroc, hear your sons' plead.
Grant me the boon of your guidance in this hour darkest, for the infamy
of the polyarchs has to be ended, and Acnahav liberated of their taint.
Even as I trudge through the dilapitated streets of Catz, I can only
pity the misguided people subjugated by the polyarchs, who have been
forced into a drug-induced slumber, leading out their lives in vanity
and illusion. They are a downtrodden and perverse lot, who remind me of
man's corrupted concience and lack of grace. Amidst the crumbling ruins
of an ancient empire - once valiant and honor-bound make now home a
whole different race. To comprehend the strangeness of this land, one
need only pose a simple question: what burden is evil on the immoral
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